Bankruptcy Lawyer in Los Angeles
Are Creditors calling you at home, or even worse, at your job? Are they threatening you with repossession, garnishment, foreclosure or a lawsuit? Are you worried about losing your job, your home, or your retirement savings?
If you don’t have the resources to pay pressing debts and to meet family needs, bankruptcy may be your best response.
An experienced Bankruptcy Lawyer in Los Angeles lawyers network will discuss the benefits of a Chapter 7 bankruptcy (a discharge), a Chapter 11 bankruptcy (a reorganization) and a Chapter 13 bankruptcy (a reorganization).
A Chapter 7 Bankruptcy may make it possible for you to eliminate the legal obligation to pay most or all of your debts. This is called a “discharge” of debts. It may prevent repossession of a car or other property, or even force the creditor to return property even after it has been repossessed. It may stop wage garnishment, debt collection harassment, and similar creditor actions to collect a debt. It may prevent termination of utility service or restore service that has been disconnected.
A Chapter 11 Bankruptcy allows businesses and individuals to restructure their debts so that the entity may continue to operate. Chapter 11 bankruptcies are most often used by corporate entities trying restructure their debt so that they may be able to continue to operate. Bankruptcy may allow you to gain new financing and loans by giving the new lenders favorable terms. In addition, it may allow you to cancel contracts. It will also give you an opportunity to stay any legal proceedings against your business. A Chapter 11bankruptcy will not automatically eliminate or discharge debts, such as mortgages or contractual obligations. You (through your attorney) will be required to file a plan which proposes to reorganize your debts.
A Chapter 13 Bankruptcy will stop foreclosure on your house or mobile home and allow you an opportunity to catch up on missed mortgage payments. Bankruptcy does not, however, automatically eliminate mortgages and other liens on your property. You (through your attorney) will be required to file a plan which proposes to reorganize your debts.
Depending upon your income and financial circumstances, you will be required to pay back some portion of your debts, along with your past missed mortgage payments through monthly payments, over a three or five year period.
An experienced lawyer in our network will explore your circumstances, and you can decide whether filing for bankruptcy is a good choice for you.
Bankruptcy is about a Fresh Start.
Taking this step may lead to a life that’s less stressful and more enjoyable.
Please contact LAJL today to schedule your initial consultation with one of our experienced lawyers in Los Angeles Ca.
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