Criminal Defense Attorney in Los Angeles
Have you been arrested? Is one of your loved ones in jail?
You need the help of an Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer and or the best DUI Attorney who will defend you.
Please contact us and we’ll give you a FREE CONSULTATION to advise you of how to proceed in your Criminal Law matter.
Criminal Law is the practice area that most people are familiar with from television, books and movies yet thankfully often they do not have to deal with personally. In addition, many people know the Criminal Law from the perspective of one accused of Driving under the Influence DUI, shop-lifting, vandalism or similar crimes. A few people reading this may have experienced being accused of a major crime such as grand theft, aggravated battery or even more serious crimes. If you do find that you are suspected of a criminal offense, then you need to speak with an Experienced criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible. Waiting to consult an attorney can be detrimental to both your rights and your legal defense. An Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer will be able to guide you through the daunting criminal justice system, inform you of your rights, review the investigation for any improprieties by the authorities, and defend you if/when you are tried.
The most important thing that an Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer can provide is protect your legal rights from being discarded. And when you are dealing with a DUI arrest where the police may ask for a blood sample or any similar, you want an experienced criminal defense attorney in Los Angeles who can tell you what you are and are not required to give the police. This is why you need to contact an Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer immediately if you believe that you are being investigated for a criminal offense. The U.S. Constitution outlines these rights for criminal suspects in the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Amendments to the Bill of Rights. Included among those rights are the ones the public is most familiar with from the Miranda warning that police must give since the 1960’s – the right to remain silent and the right to speak with an attorney. These rights are important but they represent only some of the legal rights granted to a criminal suspect.
In addition to those well-known rights mentioned above, a criminal defendant also has equally important rights such as the right to confront the witnesses against himself/herself. The right to confront the witnesses against a criminal suspect is important because it gives the suspect the right to challenge the truth and accuracy of the statements made against him/her. And an Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer knows how best to challenge the statements made by witnesses against the criminal suspect. Moreover, a Criminal Defense Lawyer is able to be present if there is a police lineup. And in that process, the only person looking out for the interests of the criminal suspect would be your Criminal Defense Lawyer. When that happens you need the best Criminal Defense Attorney in Los Angeles.
The Criminal Defense Lawyers in our network have decades of experience handling various types of cases. Our network of Attorneys have worked in some of the most complex issues within Criminal Law and DUI cases. They have experience in cases ranging from Driving under the Influence DUI, Juvenile Delinquency to Domestic Violence and others. If you have need of an Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer, please contact us and we’ll give you a FREE CONSULTATION to advise you of how to proceed in your Criminal Law matter.
What One of Our Network of Attorneys can do for you:
Criminal Law is the area of the law with the most severe penalties. If you find yourself involved in the Criminal Justice System, then you need an Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer and DUI attorney who knows how to operate in the system to your best advantage.
We can help you:
- Speak to authorities about your legal issue
- DUI attorney los angeles – Defend your driving License.
- Defend against a restraining order
- Defend your child in a Juvenile Delinquency proceeding
- Defend you in a Criminal hearing or trial
Please contact LA Jewish Lawyer to see how you can obtain an experienced attorney to help you in your Criminal Law issue.
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