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Amster Law Firm

Direct Phone Number (213) 444-6028

Amster Law Firm represents individuals with special needs in special education and community services matters, including regional center and In-Home Supportive Services. Amster Law Firm is committed to a person-centered approach. We believe that each person has a right to receive all necessary social services.

We believe that advocacy can help maximize each person’s potential. Advocacy can come in different forms: a friendly phone call, strongly-worded email, or a complaint. At Amster Law Firm, we aim to resolve matters in a non-adversarial way in order to maintain a cooperative relationship with the school district or regional center. When this is not possible, we are also prepared to act promptly with the most appropriate course of action.

Here at Amster Law Firm, we pride ourselves on a strong commitment to providing knowledge and education to families and individuals, allowing them to become their own advocates as well.

Special Education
  • Request, Review and Analyze School Records
  • Case Plan and Analysis
  • Representation and advocacy at IEP meetings
  • Representation and advocacy at 504 Plan meetings
  • Securing services such as speech, occupational therapy, speech therapy and other needed services
  • Due Process Complaint
  • Compliance Complaint
  • Representation at Informal Resolution Meeting and Mediation
  • Due Process Hearing
  • Post Resolution and Hearing Enforcement
Regional Center
  • Case Plan and Analysis
  • Representation at Individual Family Services Plans (IFSP) meetings 
  • Representation at Individual Program Plan (IPP) 
  • Regional Center Eligibility Representation 
  • Representation at Informal Resolution Sessions/Mediation 
  • Fair Hearings
  • Self Determination Program Assistance 
  • Securing needed services such as: Respite, Medi-Cal Waiver, Therapies, Payment of Co-pays and Deductibles for Therapies, Daycare
In Home Supportive Services
  • Case Plan and Analysis
  • Attend Home Assessments
  • Draft forms for protective supervision and paramedical services
  • Request records and analyze why services were not given.
  • Represent in appeal process to receive protective supervision, paramedical services, or other needed services
Parent Support
Amster Law Firm is available to speak on a wide-range of topics to groups of any size.  Please contact us.



Melissa (Meira) Amster has dedicated her law career to special education and disability law. She seeks to help parents attain maximum potential through advocacy.

Her passion in this area of law comes from personal experience. In October 2011, her daughter was born with Down syndrome and a heart defect which required open heart surgery. At first, she found the process of attending to her daughter’s medical and physical needs overwhelming but soon found online support groups. This support gave her valuable information and encouragement to advocate for her daughter.

Over the years, her advocacy skills increased, as well as her passion for helping others. Ms. Amster found a wide discrepancy in services that children might receive correlated to how good of an advocate or how knowledgeable about services their parent was. The better the advocate, more services the child might receive. Ms. Amster strongly believes that all people with disabilities, not just ones that have better advocates, should receive all needed available services.

Ms. Amster is very thankful for her advocacy skills and all she has accomplished on behalf of her daughter. Realizing her own daughter is not the only person with a disability who is in need of advocacy, the Amster Law Firm was formed to advocate on the behalf others with disabilities.

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