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Personal Injury Attorneys Los Angeles

The Best Los Angeles Personal Injury Lawyers are eager to assist you with your legal matters. Our top Attorneys, will provide you with the utmost in personal and professional legal services in order to get you the best possible results, both reasonable and affordable.

Choosing good Lawyers to represent you is no easy task but not impossible. The attorneys in our Los Angeles network, which include more than a few reputable Personal Injury Lawyers, are all experienced in their field ofthe law. Many years of combined legal practice are waiting to be tapped, and be at your service.

For access to that knowledge, experience and the best service, simply call (855) 977-1212 for a FREE Consultation Lawyer and one of our network’s legal professionals will tell you right away whether you have a good legal case.

LAJL is a network of top Attorneys in Southern California.  As you well know, sometimes life has its unpleasant moments, and in many cases the drama and tragedy could have been prevented, but for the negligent or even intentional acts of another person.  LAJL offers you access to the Best Lawyers in Los Angeles, to ensure that your rights are being exercised and to get you compensation when it is deserved.  You need to be well-represented, and our Personal Injury Lawyers are tenacious and aggressive when it comes to using the law to help you. Affordable Local attorneys in your area with great reviews are ready to help you with your case. Remember, your Consultation is Free.


Construction Site Accident
Work Accidents

What our Top Attorneys can do for you?

LAJL is dedicated to providing Top Attorneys with a “kosher” service.

Our best Los Angeles lawyers specialize in work related Personal Injury resulting from Slip & Fall, or products liability. Personal Injury cases, as a result of motorcycle, car or truck accident. Local DUI. Employment Labor Law, Criminal Defense, Real Estate Lawyer, Family Law – Divorce Lawyer, Child Custody, Spousal Support, Workers Compensation, Slip and Fall. Depending on case type, contingency may be an option.

But that’s not all, our lawyers also work with a wide variety of litigation matters, so if you think you have a case, and need skill and experience on your side, just call us. LAJL is here to help you. Our network directory of law professionals is ready for your calls and emails. Pick up the phone and or send us an email and we will do our best to “kosher” things out.

  • Accident Injury
  • Slip and Fall Lawyers
  • Criminal Defense
  • DUI
  • Real Estate Lawyer
  • Employment
  • Workers Compensation


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Los Angeles Car Accident Attorneys

Personal Injury Law (“PI”) covers a wide range of lawsuits, but none more important than those dealing with:

  • Car Accidents Attorneys
  • Motorcycle Accidents
  • Truck Accidents
  • Boat Accidents Accidents

…which can have a devastating impact on your life.  If you’ve been in an Accident, our experienced LA Jewish can help you receive the compensation you deserve.  An experienced law professional in our network has the skills, experience, and resources needed to battle negligent drivers, and their insurance companies, to ensure that you receive a fair settlement covering:  Medical Expenses, Lost Income, Pain & Suffering, and Car / Motorcycle / Vehicle Replacement.  After suffering a serious accident you will need to seek medical attention from a qualified specialist, and it may take a long time to fully recover.

Simply stated, top Accident Injury Lawyers (“PI”)  help people recover from any accidental or intentional conduct that causes a physical injury.  With a few exceptions, PI attorneys are the people to seek out if you are injured because of tha negligent or intentional conduct of another.  However, the most significant limitation on Personal Injury remedies is that, when a person is injured at work or while doing do one’s job, the injured person must pursue their claim through the Workers Compensation system and cannot sue in Civil Court, to recover for his or her injuries.

Car Accident

Slip and Fall Lawyers

 “SLIP & FALL” lawsuits comprise the second most important category of Personal Injury lawsuits (“PI”), and just as with motor vehicle accidents, Slip and Fall accidents can have a devastating impact on your life.  If you have slipped and fallen at a store, or in a public venue, you should speak with an LAJL Slip and Fall Lawyer as soon as possible.  The Top Attorneys in our network of attorneys will be able to get you in touch with a doctor, file a claim for you and give you advice on how to proceed so that you may get compensated fully and get better quickly.

For slip and fall accidents, time-is-of-the-essence for several reasons.  First of all, you need to get medical attention, whether that be from a hospital emergency room, or from your family physician.  Your Attorney can direct you to medical specialists that know how to treat injuries such as yours, and will treat you fully, whether or not you have insurance that will cover their charges.  Second, if your injury occurred on LA City or County property, whether a street, a sidewalk, or a public building, you must quickly file a Claim with the governmental entity, or lose the right to file a lawsuit.

Our lawyers have decades of experience in Slip & Fall cases from both sides.  They will be able to help you assess how much your case is worth and how best to pursue it.  If you’ve been in a Slip & Fall accident, our experienced Los Angeles Personal Injury Attorney can help you receive the compensation you deserve.  An experienced LA lawyer in our network has the skills, experience, and resources needed to battle their insurance companies, to ensure that you receive a fair settlement covering:  Medical Expenses, Lost Income, and Pain & Suffering.  After suffering a serious accident you will need to seek medical attention from a qualified specialist, and it may take a long time to fully recover.

Simply stated, personal injury attorneys (“PI”) help people recover from any accidental or intentional conduct that causes a Physical Injury, including, for example, the negligent maintenance of a City sidewalk.  With a few exceptions, PI attorneys are the people to seek out if you are injured because of negligent or intentional conduct of another.  However, the most significant limitation on personal injury remedies is that, when a person is injured at work or while doing do one’s job, the injured person must pursue their claim through the Workers Compensation system and cannot sue in Civil Court, to recover for his or her injuries.  Should I get a lawyer for my personal injury accident? Visit our Blog to read news and even some funnies related to Top Personal Injury Lawyer.


Products Liability

“Products Liability” is the area of law in which manufacturers, distributors, suppliers, retailers, and others who make products available to the public are held responsible for the injuries those products cause.

Theories of Liability

In the United States, the sorts of claims associated with products liability include:

  • Negligence
  • Strict liability
  • Breach of warranty
  • And various consumer protection claims.

The majority of products liability laws are determined at the state level and vary widely from state to state, with California having among the most “consumer friendly” products liability laws. Each type of products liability claim requires different elements to be proven to present a successful claim, and this is why you need an experienced Products Liability attorney to help guide you in the right direction.

Types of Products Liability

There are three (3) major types of products liability claims: manufacturing defect, design defect, and “failure to warn” (also known as marketing defects). However, in California, these are not legal claims in and of themselves, but are pleaded in terms of such theories mentioned above. For example, with a capable attorney’s assistance, you might decide to plead negligent failure to warn or strict liability for defective design.
Just as with Los Angeles Personal Injury lawsuits (“PI”), Products Liability injuries can have a devastating impact on your life. If you have suffered an injury due to a defective or poorly-designed product, you should speak with a lawyer as soon as possible. The lawyers in our network of attorneys will be able to get you in touch with a doctor, file a claim for you and give you advice on how to proceed so that you may get compensated fully and get better quickly.

Our Lawyers have decades of experience in Products Liability cases from both sides. They will be able to help you assess how much your case is worth and how best to pursue it. If you’ve been injured due to a defective or poorly-designed product, our experienced lawyers in your area can help you receive the compensation you deserve. An experienced attorney in our network has the skills, experience, and resources needed to battle major manufacturing corporations, and their insurance companies, to ensure that you receive a fair settlement. Visit our Blog For more about Products Liability Lawyers.

Personal Injury

Personal Injury law ( including Car / Motorcycle / Vehicle Accidents, Slip & Fall, and Product Liability ) is a wide-ranging area of the law and one with which most people are familiar.  Simply stated, Personal Injury lawyers (PI lawyers) help people recover from any accidental or intentional conduct that causes a physical injury.  With a few exceptions, PI attorneys are the people to seek out if you are injured because of the negligent or intentional conduct of another.  However, the most significant limitation on Personal Injury remedies is that, when a person is injured at work or during do one’s job, the injured person must pursue their claim through the Workers Compensation system and cannot sue in Civil Court, to recover for his or her injuries.  Our Jewish attorneys are eager to assist you in helping you to recover from your injuries, whether at work or at home.  Do I need a PI attorney?  Do I need a lawyer to evaluate my Personal Injury case?

Our Personal and Experienced Work on Your Injury Case, is Top Priority! 

Criminal Defense Lawyer

The most important thing that an Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer can do is to protect your legal rights from being abused or ignored.  And when you are dealing with a DUI arrest where the police may ask for a blood sample, a Breathalyzer sample, or other requests, you want an Experienced DUI Attorney who can tell you what you are and are not required to give to the Police (“LAPD”).  This is why you need to contact an Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer immediately if you believe that you are being investigated for a criminal offense. The United States Constitution outlines these rights for criminal suspects in the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Amendments which, along with seven other Amendments, make up the “Bill of Rights”.  Included among those rights are the ones the public is most familiar with from the Miranda warning that police must give since the 1960’s – the right to remain silent and the right to speak with an attorney. These rights are important but they represent only some of the legal rights granted to a criminal suspect.  Should I get a legal representation for Criminal Defense issues? Visit our Blog periodically for stories, news and updates related to top criminal defense attorneys.

DUI – Criminal DUI Offense

California Vehicle Code Sections 23152(a) and 23152(b) are the basis for prosecution of drunk drivers.  These two sub-sections deal with operating a vehicle under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol, and with operating a vehicle with a blood alcohol reading of .08 or higher. Your drunk driving attorney in LA will tell you that in California, DUI cases can be divided into three (3) categories – Misdemeanors, Felonies, and “Wobblers.”

A “Wobbler” is a criminal DUI offense that can be charged either as a Felonies or as a Misdemeanors, depending on the decision of the local District Attorney.  The District Attorney’s decision will be based on the specific facts of the incident.  An experienced Lawyer can provide an analysis of how a particular case would likely be charged, and how best such a case could be promptly resolved, with as little pain and aggravation as possible.

Whether a Wobbler DUI offense is charged as a Felony or a Misdemeanor, depends on the circumstances of the incident.  The critical differences deal primarily dealing with whether or not there is injury to others, or just property damage, and what is the extent of the property damage.  Even a first-time DUI conviction generally results in a $395 fine, which is multiplied by 4-5 times, for various California State and Local Government Fee surcharges, that are tacked onto the fine itself.  Should I get a lawyer for DUI charges? Visit our lawyer Blog periodically for stories, news and even some jokes related to LA DUI Lawyers.


If you are self-employed, whether running a Professional Practice (e.g., Medical Doctor, Dentist, Chiropractor, or Accountant), or operating a small business, you need to know that you can develop an entirely new, Second (2nd) Revenue Stream, simply by hiring an attorney with L.A. Jewish to do your “Collections” work.  Don’t sit there getting more and more frustrated, and agonizing over those unpaid invoices for services rendered.  Instead, hire a Los Angeles collection Lawyer to handle your Collections work, charging you nothing at all, until revenues are received.  But how do lawyers charge, when they are doing Collections work?  How do lawyers make money, when they are doing Collections?  Once revenues are received, your Collections attorney will charge a percentage of the incoming Revenue, generally between twenty-five percent (25%) and thirty-five percent (35%).  No hassles, no worries.

Enforcement of Judgments

Perhaps you’ve already gone to Court to right a ‘wrong,” and won, getting a Civil Judgment against Defendants. But you still have not actually received the funds needed to adequately compensate you.  That Civil Judgment must now be “Enforced,” meaning that you have to take steps to force Defendants to “pay-up,” paying to you the funds that the Court ordered Defendants to pay.  Your lawyer will tell you that this process of “Enforcement of Judgments” is one of the most difficult and tedious fields of law practice.  You need an Attorney from LA Jewish Lawyer directory who has experience with Enforcement of Judgments.  Should I get a lawyer for Enforcement of Judgments? Visit our best lawyers Blog periodically for stories and news related to judgments lawyers.

Bankruptcy – Personal and Business

In the United States, we have had the right to file a Bankruptcy for more than two hundred (200) year.  Bankruptcy may be a solution for people that have debts that are “out-of-control” and unsustainable.  America’s Federal Bankruptcy Laws are designed to give Debtors a “Fresh Start,” but they also protect Creditors, by ensuring that each and every Creditor will be treated equally, whether they are complete strangers to the Debtor, or close relatives of the Debtor.  Please contact L.A. Jewish Lawyers for a free consultation lawyer.

The filing of a Chapter 7, 13 or 11 bankruptcy petition initiates an automatic “stay” which will immediately stop collections efforts by creditors, the enforcement of judgments, or foreclosure on real property.  The great majority of people owing $5,000 to $10,000 to Credit Card companies, and are paying twenty percent (20%) or more in interest, have absolutely no idea that their Debt-load is already unsustainable, and cannot be paid down to “zero,” barring a Lottery-win or other windfall.  Those people will eventually have to file a Bankruptcy, so they would do well to learn – right now – how Bankruptcy Law works.  Should I hire a Bankruptcy Attorney?  Do I need a lawyer to file a Bankruptcy Petition?

Employment – Work – Labor

If you feel that you are being discriminated against at work, the first step is to speak with an attorney on LA Jewish Lawyer network that can walk you through the complex array of laws governing Employment Labor Law.  There are many technicalities and other pitfalls that can prevent a Plaintiff with a good claim from recovering compensation resulting from injuries and damages due to a discriminatory or abusive action by one’s employer or supervisor.  Our LA Jewish Lawyers are dedicated to making sure that you do not fall into one of those technical traps that will prevent you from receiving some relief and compensation, based upon the illegal actions of your employer.  At our Lawyers Network Directory, our legal team will to guide you through this first step, and all the others that come after, to ensure that you get a fair outcome to your case. Should I get a lawyer for my Employment / Labor law issues? Visit our Blog for updates, news and even some jokes related to Employment / Labor Lawyers.

Our work never ends until we know we’ve done our work. Should you or someone you know has a need for legal representation, please give us a call or email us. There are NO upfront costs for you to discuss your legal case with us.

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